“Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts”
von Sally M. Winston und Martin N. Seif
1. Auflage 2017, 192 Seiten, ISBN: 978-1626254343, ca. 14,99 €
Wir haben einen neues “Lieblingsbuch” entdeckt! Wenn Sie uns bisher gefragt hätten, welche Bücher wir zum Thema Zwangsgedanken empfehlen würden, hätten wir ganz klar geantwortet: 1.: “Der Kobold im Kopf” von Lee Baer und 2.: “Frei werden von Zwangsgedanken” von Hansruedi Ambühl.
Diese Reihenfolge hat sich jetzt geändert: Im März 2017 ist “Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts” von Sally M. Winston und Martin N. Seif erschienen - und das Buch ist eindeutig unser neuer “Favorit”.
Und warum dieses neue “Lieblingsbuch”? Sally Winston und Martin Seif schaffen es, zunächst einen guten, umfassenden Einblick in die Hintergründe der “aufdrängenden Gedanken” zu geben (und erlauben dabei trotz des schwerwiegenden Themas auch ab und zu mal etwas Augenzwinkern und Leichtigkeit, so dass man das Buch auch wirklich bis zum Ende lesen kann...).
Nach der Darstellung der Therapiemöglichkeiten folgt der nach unserer Einschätzung wichtigste Abschnitt dieses Buches - ein langes, eigenes Kapitel zum Thema “Why nothing has worked”. Genau damit trifft das Buch einen wichtigen Punkt: Denn die theoretischen Schritte zur Behandlung der aufdrängenden Gedanken haben die meisten Betroffenen bereits in der Therapie kennen gelernt oder in Büchern bzw. dem Internet gelesen. Die wichtige Frage bleibt dennoch: Wie kann ich diese Theorie in der Praxis umsetzen - und warum funktioniert das oftmals nicht, trotz allem theoretischen Wissen?
Genau an diesem Punkt setzt das Buch ein und bietet Erklärungsmodelle, Vorschläge und Lösungswege.
Das Buch gliedert sich in die folgenden Abschnitte:
- Kapitel 1: Recovering from Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts
- Kapitel 2: Varities of Intrusive Thoughts
- Kapitel 3: What Thougths Mean: Myths and Facts
- Kapitel 4: Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts Q and A
- Kapitel 5: How the Brain Creates Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts
- Kapitel 6: Why Nothing Has Worked
- Kapitel 7: How to Handle Thoughts When They Happen
- Kapitel 8: Getting Over Unwanted Thoughts for Good
- Kapitel 9: What Does Recovery Mean?
- Kapitel 10: When to Seek Professional Help
“If you suffer from frightening, obsessive, or disturbing thoughts, you know all too well how they can intrude on your life. You may even worry what these thoughts mean about you. Do they make you a bad person? No! You aren't bad - or crazy. These upsetting thoughts that enter your mind unbidden are called unwanted intrusive thoughts, and many rational and good people have them. Fortunately, there are prove-effective techniques you can use now to move past these thoughts and reclaim your life.
This powerful guide offers an evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach to help you get unstuck from distressing thoughts; overcome feelings of guilt, shame, and loneliness that can accompany these thoughts; and reduce your overall anxiety. You'll learn about the different types of unwanted thoughts, why these thoughts keep getting stuck, and ways to break out of this vicious cycle. Finally, you'll discover how changes in attitude and beliefs can help you move beyond your thoughts so you can focus on the things that really matter.”
Aus dem Inhalt:
“Do you get upset or worried that your thoughts might actually lead you to do something awful? Or are you plagued by a thought that you might have already done something bad and somehow it slipped past you? Or that the fact that this thought has crossed your mind must mean something important? Or is there a thought that drives you crazy because you just can’t manage to get it out of your mind? Do you live in dread that having bizarre, repetitive, repugnant, or unrelenting thoughts means something shameful or terrible about you? Do you hope and pray that these thoughts won’t come around again? But they do, and they continue to haunt you. They have become stuck.
These upsetting, distressing, frightening thoughts that enter your mind unbidden are called unwanted intrusive thoughts. Sane and good people have them. If you are plagued by thoughts you don’t want - thoughts that scare you - and thoughts you can’t tell anyone, this book may change your life. Our first message is that you are not alone. There are millions of people who have thoughts just like yours. Good people have awful thoughts. Violent thoughts come from gentle people. Crazy thoughts occur for people who are not the least bit crazy. You are not the only one who experiences repeating thoughts that just won’t leave your mind.(...)
Our (...) message is that you are very brave. You are brave to pick up this book and read this far. More than anything—because you think these thoughts might mean something important and could be dangerous—you work to keep these thoughts out of your mind. And we are sure that you have tried everything to do just that.(...)
Struggling the way you have, you have probably discovered a very frustrating and important truth. Trying to keep thoughts out of your mind doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t work for anybody.(...)
We would like you to start with the realization that there is nothing wrong with you, but there is something quite wrong with your method. And here is where this book can be helpful. We believe that giving your thoughts a name, helping you understand that you are not alone, and addressing the thoughts without shame and fear will go a long way toward reducing your misery. But that is certainly not all. You are going to learn what we now know about unwanted intrusive thoughts, the various types of them, what keeps them going, and the very best approaches to living a life without the misery of these stuck thoughts.”
Deutsche Übersetzung:
Im Junfermann-Verlag ist inzwischen unter dem Titel “Tyrannen in meinem Kopf” die deutsche Übersetzung von “Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts” erschienen. Nun ja, bezüglich Titel und Titelbild sowie einiger Übersetzungen gehen die Geschmäcker wie so oft auseinander. Aber der Inhalt bleibt weiterhin gut und hilfreich...
In “Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts” findet sich eine ausführliche Einführung in das Thema “aufdrängenden Gedanken” und eine umfangreiche Darstellung der Wege aus diesem Gedanken-Karussell.
“Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts” und “Tyrannen in meinem Kopf” sind auch als eBook erhältlich.
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Autoren des Artikels: Dr. Sandra Elze & Dr. Michael Elze
© Dr. Sandra Elze & Dr. Michael Elze
Prien am Chiemsee / Rosenheim, www.Dr-Elze.de