Several subtypes of Internet Use Disorder have been proclaimed, such as overwhelming, or inappropriate pornography use, online-gaming, online social networking, blogging, or internet-shopping.
Young et al. proposed the following 5 subtypes:
cybersexual addiction,
cyber-relational addiction,
net compulsions,
information overload, and
computer addiction.
(cf. Young 1999 ).
In some cases, these “subtypes” may be symptoms of other mental health problems. Excessive internet-shopping for example may be a symptom of a depressive disorder , excessive social networking may be an avoidance-behaviour in persons with social phobia , etc.
Internet Use Disorder: Subtypes
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Winkler A, Dörsing B, Rief W, Shen Y, Glombiewski JA (2013). Treatment of internet addiction: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review 33: 317-329.
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Young KS (1998). Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder. Cyberpsychol Behav 1(3): 237-44.
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Dr. Sandra Elze & Dr. Michael Elze
© Sandra Elze, M.D. & Michael Elze, M.D.
Prien am Chiemsee / Rosenheim,